Team Number Purchasing Procedures for 2023-2024

DI Colorado is really excited to offer a NEW and simplified way to purchase of the Destination Imagination Challenge Experience directly from our DI Colorado website. While the price of teams has increased Globally, DICO has streamlined the regional purchasing process for teams. Starting this year, all Colorado teams can purchase their DI Challenge Experience with one stop shopping.

As the purchaser of your DI team experience, you will buy a DICO team bundle. This includes your team number, your regional tournament and much much more for a single, one-time price.

  1. Your team #: Join an exclusive community of like-minded individuals who share your passion for fostering creativity and problem-solving among our young people. Students will develop an understanding of the creative process through student-oriented learning and will build durable skills including self-confidence, a growth mindset, creative thinking, collaboration and character building.
  2. World Class Training Guide: Gain access to a comprehensive training guide that will steer you and your team on your journey to success!
  3. Instant Challenge Practice Sets: Hone your team’s skills with a variety of practice sets designed to challenge and inspire, making your DI sessions easier to plan.
  4. Access to the Destination Imagination’s Learning Platform: DI Learn. Dive into a world of learning and exploration with exclusive content and invaluable material.
  5. Access to Destination Imagination Colorado Training: Take advantage of in-person or online training sessions offered by Destination Imagination Colorado.
  6. Connect with Team Managers on Discord: Join the thriving Destination Imagination Colorado Team Manager community on Discord for valuable insights and support. Connect with other managers and multiple other DICO teammates for thought-provoking discussions and genuine connections.
  7. Bring your team to the Regional Tournament: Showcase your team’s talents and compete against other teams in our thrilling tournaments. Teams will have the opportunity to exhibit their creativity and innovation by highlighting their unique Challenge solution.
  8. Personalized Support: Our dedicated team is here to assist you every step of the way. Feel free to reach out with any questions or concerns as we are here to help in any way that we can! We can’t wait to connect with you.

To provide a comprehensive and seamless experience for your teams, with a clear goal of the regional tournament experience, this package is non-refundable. This is a change from our previous pricing structure – we are streamlining it to make it easier for team managers to move through the administrative part of registering a team. If your district purchases your teams, please contact them prior to purchasing your team bundle.

Price for the package varies per region based on financial support from school districts. Package prices range from $265 to $365. If you are purchasing 10 or more teams at one time, please contact Kate.


Other costs not included in the package:

  • Materials to solve your challenge: This varies per team, depending on how creative you are with materials. A very loose estimate is approximately $300 per team.
  • Team manager background check: $20.
  • Regional Tournament T-shirts. $20 each.
  • State and Global Tournament registration fees and associated costs.


To Purchase

To learn more about DI


Please call Kate (720-542-3637) or email with any concerns or questions. I am happy to work with you to make your purchasing process as smooth as possible. Kate

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