Volunteer Today – Join the DI Colorado Team!

Types of positions available:

Challenge Master, Regional Director, DI Ambassador, Digital Services Specialist and Social Media Specialist


NOTE: Appraiser positions will be listed in January.

Volunteer Position: Challenge Master

Challenge Masters are the experts in their subject area, helping teams and appraisers to understand the challenge. You will be a part of your regional tournament committee, and set up and run your tournament site.


Work Schedule: Attend one team manager training, one appraiser training, and then Challenge Master Boot camp in January. In January and February approximately 8 hours a month. March approximately 16 hours.


Where: At home, or at your regional tournament



  • 5280 Region (Denver/Aurora/Northern Suburbs) CO-RCM in Technical, Scientific, Fine Arts, Service Learning, Instant Challenge, and Early Learning and RCM for Score Room
  • Jeffco Region: CO-RCM Service Learning, Instant Challenge, and Early Learning, RCM Scoreroom
  • NoCo Canyon Region: CO RCM in Scientific, Improv, Engineering, Service Learning, and Early Learning. RCM Score Room
  • Spicy South Region: ALL positions available
  • Southwest Region: CO RCM Tech, Scientific, Fine Arts, Improv, Engineering, Service Learning, Early Learning, Instant Challenge
  • South Metro Region: CO-RCM Fine Arts, RCM Score Room
  • Western Slope: RCM Technical, Scientific, Service Learning, and Early Learning


Job Description: Challenge Master Job Description




Volunteer Position: Recruitment Specialist

Are you a DI cheerleader? When you are talking to your co-workers and neighbors do you talk about DI? Do you get excited sharing your DI experience with others!!! Then being an Area Recruitment Specialist is for you!!

You will work closely with your Regional Director to assist with Parent Information Nights and to reach out to new schools. We are looking for Specialists in all Regions as well as Northern Colorado. Job mostly takes place in May and August-December. Approximately 2 hours per week.

Ambassadors / Recruitment

Ambassadors help Regional Directors reach out to schools and organizations to help students and their families learn more about Destination Imagination. They work to build team counts by promoting and marketing the program locally. Ambassadors should be passionate about Destination Imagination and eager to share the program with potentially new teams.

Recruiting and Outreach

  • Work actively to promote the program to all areas and communities within the Regional boundaries.
    • Attend PTA/PTO meetings, Back to School nights, etc. when invited to present information.
    • Recruit new schools to the program.
  • Recruit teams
    • Meet with our Destination Imagination district point of contact
    • Recruit new schools and community groups into the program. Make use of existing databases of teams and school districts that have participated in the past, along with other resources.
    • Work to encourage teams to register for the Regional Tournament.


  • Attend Ambassador Training
  • Attend/Present five or more Recruiting & Outreach events during August – December. These events may include:
    • Back to school night
    • Family/Parent Information night
    • Event requested/hosted by a school or organization
  • When questions are asked, support by directing people to where answers can be found (website, Regional Director, etc.)

Ambassadors receive support in various ways.

  • Extensive resources are available including sample phone call scripts, email scripts, supporting documents, and presentations.
  • Regional Directors are available to answer questions and provide training

Time Commitment

  • Training – 60-minute meeting online or in-person (depends on your needs)
  • Attend five or more recruiting outreach events (typically outreach events are 30-60 minutes).

Volunteer Position: Social Media Specialist


  • Work with DICO staff and volunteers to create content for Facebook and Instagram
  • Create content in conjunction with DICO Board Member in charge of marketing
  • Manage content calendar

Time Commitment

  • 2 to 3 hours per month

Volunteer Position: Digital Services Specialist


  • Be the go-to expert on the Destination Imagination Resource Area Web Application.
  • Learn how to use all aspects of the DI Resource Area from volunteer management and assignment to scheduling to tournament scoring.
  • Be able to support all roles in DI and their specific use of the Resource Area.


  • The ideal person for this role is someone who is comfortable with web based systems and can provide instructional support to users of varying abilities.
  • Training will be provided and you will work directly with all scoring challenge masters and the Executive Director.

Time Commitment

  • 2 to 3 hours per week in January
  • 4 hours per week in February
  • 5 hours per week in March and April
For all positions apply:  email Kate your letter and resume