27 Mar Improvisation Challenge 2
Improvisation is a skill which teaches you to think quickly.
In the photo there are 4 categories:
- A Main Character
- A Location
- A Goal
- An Obstacle
- (there is also other elements in the photo you can include in the skit)
Example: Your main character is a crying baby, the location is the library, your goal is to find the lost dog and your obstacle is giant kittens are attacking.
Time: 8 Minutes Total
5 minutes to prepare your improv skit and 3 minutes to perform
Scoring: Total Points Possible
- 1-25 points for teamwork
- 1-20 points for creativity of your skit
- 1-25 points for character development
Up to 30 points for plot development:
- 1-10 points for the beginning of your skit (Introduction of characters, plot and the obstacle)
- 1-10 points for the middle of your skit (Conflict)
- 1-10 points for the end of your skit (Resolution to the conflict)

Ahead of time:
There is no set up or materials for improv
- Was your performance creative? What would have made it even more creative?
- Character development is important to a story, how did you create your character(s)?
- How was your teamwork? How could you improve it?
- Did your story have a beginning, middle and an ending?
- Have the team do the skit again to include their ideas from the debrief.
- Change any of the elements of the 4 categories
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